

Frequently asked questions

What is recruitment?2023-06-30T18:42:34+02:00

Recruitment is a range of services related to employment of personnel. This results in an extensive range of activities with the aim of recruiting and placing personnel.

The work done by recruitment or employment agencies includes:

  • Creating requirement profiles and job descriptions
  • Placing job adverts
  • Contacting and recruiting applicants
  • Conducting interviews
  • Placing employees in companies
  • Planning employee assignments with clients
  • Careers coaching for employees
  • Advising employees and companies
What is temporary assignment?2023-06-30T18:58:39+02:00

Temporary assignment (recruitment, personnel services) means that a recruitment agency (transferor) makes its staff (temporary workers) available to another (third-party) employer on the basis of a labour leasing contract.
The temporary workers carry out their work for the third-party employer, but this employer does not become the employer for the temporary workers.
In Austria, temporary assignment is subject to the special labour law regulations of the Temporary Agency Work Act (Arbeitskräfteüberlassungsgesetz or AÜG) and requires official authorisation.

In addition, collective agreements (for blue-collar workers the collective agreement for the supply of temporary workers, and for white-collar workers the collective agreement for white-collar workers in crafts, trades and services) regulate the minimum wage or salary for all temporary assignments.

How does temporary assignment work?2023-07-13T19:11:54+02:00

This diagram shows the basic structure of temporary work and the legal relationship between the employer, the employee and the third-party employer:

What are the advantages of temporary assignment?2023-06-30T19:19:54+02:00

Opportunities to get started in the world of work

Temporary assignment can often serve as a stepping stone to gain a foothold in certain industries or companies. Many companies rely on recruitment agencies to find and hire qualified candidates. In particular, temporary assignment is often a quick way for newcomers to the labour market or people who want to switch career paths to get started in an industry.

In most cases, employment through personnel placements leads over time to permanent employment with the client on site.

Jobs not publicly advertised

Recruitment agencies often have exclusive access to jobs that are not publicly advertised. In many cases, these “hidden” jobs are only available through direct contacts or relationships with companies.

Knowledge of the labour market

Recruitment agencies have in-depth knowledge of the labour market and the related requirements of different sectors. So they can give the best possible advice to applicants and make them aware of positions they might not otherwise have considered.

Training and further education opportunities

Employment through a recruitment agency offers a wide range of opportunities for training and further education. In addition to practical on-the-job experience, many recruitment agencies also offer targeted training and seminars to enhance employees’ personal and professional skills. This facilitates continuous development and improves career opportunities for employees in various sectors. In Austria, recruitment agencies are legally required to pay a monthly contribution for all employees into the Social and Further Training Fund (www.swf-akue.at), which provides free or low-cost further training opportunities for employees.

What are the disadvantages of temporary assignment?2023-06-30T19:24:49+02:00

The Temporary Agency Work Act (Arbeitskräfteüberlassungsgesetz or AÜG) and the respective collective agreement regulations (for blue-collar workers the collective agreement for the supply of temporary workers, and for white-collar workers the collective agreement for white-collar workers in crafts, trades and services) ensure that temporary workers are not in a worse position than the third-party employer’s permanent employees.

However, if the employee then enters into direct employment with the third-party employer, outstanding holiday and compensatory time entitlements cannot be carried over into the new direct employment relationship, as a new employment contract is concluded and these outstanding entitlements from the previous employment relationship with the transferor are settled.

The administration involved may also be greater, e.g. due to double time recording or approval processes.

How does ASCO Engineering stand out as a company and as a recruitment agency?2023-06-30T19:29:44+02:00

Key points

Corporate culture

The positive corporate culture at ASCO Engineering promotes team spirit, openness and appreciation, which increases motivation and commitment and creates a pleasant working atmosphere.

Career opportunities

At ASCO Engineering, there are various potential career paths where employees can have a direct influence, carry out varied activities and pursue development opportunities in a friendly working environment.

ASCO Engineering values

At ASCO Engineering, openness, honesty and appreciative interaction create trust, strengthen relationships and promote positive and respectful communication.

Company objectives


The ASCO Engineering team excels in collaboration, expertise and mutual support, resulting in exceptional performance.


ASCO Engineering’s structures promote direct communication, fast decision-making processes and personal responsibility. This increases flexibility and helps the company achieve success more quickly.


The working environment at ASCO Engineering creates security and stability, reduces uncertainty, promotes employee retention and enables long-term career planning and personal development.

What makes ASCO Engineering stand out from other recruitment agencies?2023-06-30T19:33:07+02:00
  • Part of a group of companies (provides security)
  • Member of the “Österreichs Personaldienstleister” recruitment agency association
  • Very good Kununu ratings
  • Transparent, open communication
  • Events for employees
  • Managing Director is a lecturer at the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) and Economic Promotion & Development Institute (WIFI)

At ASCO Engineering you are part of an established group of companies, which gives you security. ASCO Engineering is a proud member of the Austrian recruitment agency association, which underpins our expertise in personnel services. And our Managing Director also works as a lecturer in personnel management, recruitment and employer branding at the WKO and the WIFI, ensuring that ASCO Engineering is always at the cutting edge and can serve as an expert contact at all times. We also have excellent ratings on Kununu, which reflects our way of working and our commitment. We believe transparent and open communication is extremely important. We also organise regular events for employees to enhance team spirit and to strengthen and maintain relationships with all employees.

Will my data/application documents be disclosed to anyone?2023-06-30T19:35:06+02:00

We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations. Your data will never be disclosed to the client without prior agreement or without further information.

Are there opportunities for a general conversation?2023-06-30T19:36:37+02:00

We keep all interviews as general as possible in order to address your individual needs as effectively as we can and to consider all possible positions, so that we can find a suitable position for you.

Who should I address my application to?2023-06-30T19:38:10+02:00

It’s best to send a generic application. You’re also welcome to call our office and ask which contact person your application should be addressed to.

Where should I send my application?2023-06-30T19:40:37+02:00

Advertised positions: If you find one of our jobs on a job portal (karriere.at, Willhaben, Stepstone etc.) or on social media (LinkedIn), you can apply directly via the platform. You can also find each position on our website, where it’s easy to apply with a single click.

Speculative applications are always welcome. In the “Vacancies” section on our website, you will find a separate area for speculative applications, where it’s simple to upload your information and documents.

What application documents do I need?2023-06-30T19:42:16+02:00

To get an initial impression of you, for the time being we only need a complete and up-to-date CV. To give us a better overview, you’re also welcome to send a letter of motivation, education certificates, employment references, etc. If you aren’t an EU citizen, we also require a work permit for Austria (Red-White-Red Card Plus).


What is a notice of transfer?2023-06-30T19:43:59+02:00

The notice of transfer is an additional document which accompanies the employment contract. It stipulates the working conditions, as well as the “where” and “when”. It’s issued for each employee and contains, among other things, detailed information on the “Place of work”, “Assignment”, “Working hours”, “Salary” and “Duration” of the assignment at the client’s site. As a rule, the notice of transfer is issued for an indefinite period and is valid for one assignment with one third-party employer.

Who can I contact with general questions?2023-06-30T19:45:31+02:00

Everyone in the ASCO engineering team is available to answer any questions that applicants, employees and clients may have by phone or by emailing office@asco-engineering.at or office.wien@asco-engineering.at.

When will I receive my pay slip?2023-06-30T19:47:04+02:00

The pay slip is sent to you by our payroll accounting team at the beginning of each month to the email address you give us.

When will I get paid?2023-06-30T19:48:19+02:00

Your salary will be transferred to you no later than the last working day of the month.

Does ASCO Engineering also organise events for employees?2023-06-30T19:49:52+02:00

Yes, as part of our “FIT with ASCO” scheme, ASCO Engineering organises various events such as sporting activities, summer parties, Christmas parties, etc.

What do I do if I’m unhappy with my third-party employer?2023-06-30T19:51:21+02:00

If this is the case, contact ASCO Engineering immediately so that we can work together to find a suitable solution.

Let’s start with a conversation

Give us a call:

Graz office: +43 316 225352

Or leave your phone number, and we’ll call you back!

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