Opportunities to get started in the world of work

Temporary assignment can often serve as a stepping stone to gain a foothold in certain industries or companies. Many companies rely on recruitment agencies to find and hire qualified candidates. In particular, temporary assignment is often a quick way for newcomers to the labour market or people who want to switch career paths to get started in an industry.

In most cases, employment through personnel placements leads over time to permanent employment with the client on site.

Jobs not publicly advertised

Recruitment agencies often have exclusive access to jobs that are not publicly advertised. In many cases, these “hidden” jobs are only available through direct contacts or relationships with companies.

Knowledge of the labour market

Recruitment agencies have in-depth knowledge of the labour market and the related requirements of different sectors. So they can give the best possible advice to applicants and make them aware of positions they might not otherwise have considered.

Training and further education opportunities

Employment through a recruitment agency offers a wide range of opportunities for training and further education. In addition to practical on-the-job experience, many recruitment agencies also offer targeted training and seminars to enhance employees’ personal and professional skills. This facilitates continuous development and improves career opportunities for employees in various sectors. In Austria, recruitment agencies are legally required to pay a monthly contribution for all employees into the Social and Further Training Fund (www.swf-akue.at), which provides free or low-cost further training opportunities for employees.